::she just is::


I already emailed unschooling.com to join my webring, but I thought I'd post
here and see if any of you who have unschooling-related websites would like
to join!

The Unschooler's Network is my webring, for connecting websites who have an
unschooling focus, would like to find other unschoolers, etc. As far as I
know this is the only unschooling webring on the net! :-} Anyway, if you're
interested in checking it out, the URL is:


Laters! ~Eryn

"I dreamed I was a butterfly, flitting around in the sky;
then I awoke. Now I wonder: Am I a man who dreamt of
being a butterfuly, or am I a butterfly dreaming that I am
a man?" - Chuang Tsu
#24591173 ::she just is::
AIM :: Opal Fayre