Stephanie Coomer

I know I have been really quiet lately, but I have finally gotten
almost everything moved and we are settled in our new home! Where are
all the Kansas Homeschoolers? I have met a few, but could not find a
list or support group close by! So, I started my own! It is great out
here in the middle of corn and soybeans! I have hundreds of cattle in
every direction, and the farmers are baling their 2nd or 3 cutting
this week! What a change from city life!
Well, I just wanted to pop in and say hello! If there are any other
Kansas Homeschoolers out there, drop me a line... PLEASE!
orig. Mich, now Elk County KS!
Life's Learnings Academy
Wild Country Rose Soaps
Homeschooling 3 little ones,
and keeping them all clean!