
on 7/20/00 12:54 PM, "Nanci and Thomas Kuykendall" <tn-k4of5@...>

> I have been asked to write an article defining Unschooling (at least from what
> I know.) One thing that I want to include is information about the coining of
> the word Unschooling and the genesis of the movement, before I move into
> describing the process. Those of you who harbor information on this issue,
> please indulge me. I know it was Gatto's word, but not much more than that.
> Please site sources for information so that I may verify and include them.

I thought John Holt coined the word. Growing Without Schooling's website is:

and you can email them at info@...

Here is an essay by Billy Greer that says Holt first used the word
unschooling in issue #2 of GWS: