The White's

Hi Cathy,
I'm a bit behind, as usual, on the list....I can't offer any personal
stories about my children since they are still young, but I think that the
more you ask Katrina to participate in the decision making process about
school, the better she will feel about herself. I think kids labelled LD or
gifted in ps loose even more control over their lives and their learning.
Not only do they have to satisfy teacher & parent, now they have an ISP to

I remember being 14, it's hard enough without all that other "stuff". Give
her back a lot more control of her learning and I think, I hope, things will
get easier.

Also, I can't believe no one has suggested yet, please read & ask her to
read (or read to her) The Teenage Liberation Handbook by Grace Llewellyn.

Good luck!