[email protected]

I just got back from spending the day at Jury Duty, that lovely American
thing they don't tell you about when you are emmigrating to the US. It was
quite interesting actually and gave me a lot of time to catch up on my
reading... Steve took the day off work and become househubbie and SAHD for
the day and he and both kids loved it. Zak still had his playdate and that
was even more exciting for him.

While there I read "Deschooling our Lives" edited by Matt Hern... I was
tempted to turn the cover back so no one could see the title but instead held
open the book proudly. The man sitting next to me asked if it was some sort
of new school that was starting in Tucson. Where to begin explaining. I
said "no it's about a form of homeschooling" He said "oh my sister
homeschools her kids, they love it and seem to be doing great" so we then got
into this conversation about the difference between homeschooling and
unschooling. What a pleasure it was...

I'm sure many of you have read this book (if not all)... I just loved it and
didn't even get to start reading "The Unschooling Handbook" again as planned.

Off to have a bath with the kids as they seem to not miss me at the moment
and I'd like my presense felt!!

Dawn F