[email protected]

>Do you mean like French Toast (dipped in egg and milk and then fried) or
> just slices of bread fried in the drippings from the bacon?

The latter. If the bacon fat is a little scant, you can spread the bread -
eg with margarine - before frying. You need to have the fat very hot, so that
it fries quickly and becomes fairly crisp. I actually prefer it soggy, but
it's not SUPPOSED to be that way!

As Tracy pointed out, it's a cholesterol nightmare, but it is truly tasty.
British food, is, of course, renowned for its awfulness. Our French students
used to trun their noses up at meal times on a fairly regular basis, with
varying degrees of politeness. But the one thing they almost always liked was
a British fried breakfast. Oh, and custard.....

PS Not not WITH it! Come on, it's not THAT bad... :-)
PPS Thank you for the viola suggestion Tracy. It was definitely an instrument
that was supposed to be played upright, though. I think they make
reduced-sized cellos for tiny beginners.

Tracy Oldfield

Did it have an adjustable spike, with a butterfly nut or something
similar sticking out the bottom? If so, then it was a cello, or
maybe a medieval 'viol?'


PPS Thank you for the viola suggestion Tracy. It was
definitely an instrument 
that was supposed to be played upright, though. I think
they make 
reduced-sized cellos for tiny beginners.