[email protected]

I read everyone's responses, I kept say "hey, we do that" or "yeah, me too".
Toddlers are extremely frustrating: ) : ) We do all the tricks mentioned
depending on the day and the effectivness. If one doesn't work, I try
another. I have found that if my dd wants to do or go somewhere that is the
best time to get her to clean up. I usually say "We can't do .....because
all the toys need to go to their homes first, "until we put the toys away, we
can't do....." Part of the time, this works. Sometimes, my dd changes her
mind about do whatever, just to avoid cleaning up.

I think part of our problem is my own discipline or lack of it, I should say.


Sunshine Daydream

> I usually say "We
> can't do .....because
> all the toys need to go to their homes first, "until
> we put the toys away, we
> can't do....."

I do this too, although I usually phrase it, "YES! We
can do [activity of choice] ... after we [clean up
this, calm down, take a nap, etc.]." I have a little
doorknob hangy-thing that talks about ways to love a
child. One of the things is, "Say yes as often as
possible." I try to make sure most of what I say is a
"Yes" without making it seem like there are no
attendant responsibilities to privileges.

Danna =]

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Cathie _

>I think part of our problem is my own discipline or lack of it, I should

I think you are right-I have friends who are neat freaks, and they still
have clean houses with or without kids. I think the secret is that you have
to be a nag. My friend and her dh would always be on thier kids to put the
toys away. They could never lay anything down and walk away-coats, shoes,
books, toys-always had to put it away. She also throws everthing away. I
used to be shocked at how few toys her kids had. But, her house is always
neat. It seems like it really didn't take too long either-a few years of
being a nagging b#$%h really paid off-I just can't ever seem to do it

Nice Moms finish messy, I guess.

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