[email protected]

Someone sent me a link to a long but really good anti-spanking article from
Theology Today. The "today" was early 1981, so the article is twenty five
years old. Please, if you have any doubts about whether spanking is bad, or if
you have relatives or friends who spank, or if you're just interested in the
state of the world and other nations' opinions of the U.S. (for American
readers especially) it's worth a read and probably a link worth saving in a safe
place. _http://theologytoday.ptsem.edu/jan1981/v37-4-article1.htm_

I'll link it from my spanking page too, _http://sandradodd.com/spanking_

I thought this quote was about much more than spanking and so even those of
us who are already resolved not to spank might consider these ideas:

-=-Spanking is primarily an adult or parental problem. When the spanking
situation is analyzed, in nearly every incident there is a personal problem of
parents who resorted to the use of the "rod." It was really the adult ego that
had been defied, an adult order disobeyed, an adult request denied, adult
authority challenged, adult pride or adult respect offended.-=-

Sometimes people's unschooling or parenting blocks are of that order too.
It's because they're putting their parental pride or identity above the real
needs of their real child. Some parents put their personal desire for a child
to "do a workbook" or to recite times tables far above what the child wants
or needs or would benefit by.

It's not a fun or easy thing to think about, but it's important.


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