[email protected]

On August 18 we will be hosting a homeschooling family from
Belgium, Christine [Mom], Guillaume [Dad], Irene [Grandmother],
Kevin, Sophie and Carmen [ages 3 to 8 I think]. I just received an
email from Christine asking if I knew of anyone in the towns listed
below who would be willing to host their family for a night or two. If
anyone is interested please email me so that I can pass your
name and email address on to Christine.


We will stay with families contacted with GROWINGWITHOUT
SCHOOLING, an american association for homeschoolers and
SERVAS, an international free accomadating service for travellers
based on the will to build world peace. We are very glad to have
found a wonderful way to meet American people and know more
about your way of life. I'm sure it will make our trip much different
than last year when we simply visited wonderful places. Our
program for this year is also very busy. Our itinerary and all
our visits are planned and it will surely be an interesting trip allowing
us to learn more about american history and culture, discovering
other types of landscapes and climates. Thank you to be one of
our host during this exceptional experience !
I send you the list of the different towns where we did not find any
hosting family. Please tell us if you know someone there who could
host us for one or two nights never more.
GRANTSBURG Wisconsin 10th and 11th August
McGREGOR Iowa 19th August
DUBUQUE Iowa 20th and 21st August
HANNIBAL Missouri 23rd and 24th August
NEW MADRID Missouri 27th August
BOWLING GREEN Kentucky 29th August
MEMPHIS Tennessee 31st August
NATCHEZ Mississippi 5th September
LAFAYETTE Louisiana 6th and 7th September
BATON ROUGE Louisiana 8th and 9th September
THIBODAUX 10th September

The Winona Farm in Minnesota Welcomes Unschoolers All Year Round
My website: http://members.xoom.com/sue_m_e
Farm website: http://members.xoom.com/winfarm/
Farm newsletter: http://www.onelist.com/subscribe/Winonafarm

"To believe in something, and not to live it,
is to be dishonest." -Mahatma Gandhi