
I am wondering if there are any
members who live in New Hampshire ? I
am relocating to there from
Massachusetts. I would appreiate any
information anyone would have to

Sonya Curti

laurie c

>From: "sonyacurti" <jcurtielectric@...>
>Reply-To: [email protected]
>To: [email protected]
>Subject: [UnschoolingDiscussion] Unschoolers in NH
>Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2005 01:07:06 -0000
>I am wondering if there are any
>members who live in New Hampshire ? I
>am relocating to there from
>Massachusetts. I would appreiate any
>information anyone would have to
>Sonya Curti
>You have no idea how excited I was to see somebody mention New Hampshire.
>Unfortunately Sonya, I have no information that could help you as I have
>just recently decided to unschool my son and have not gotten all of the
>information that I need. But now would be a great time for both of us to
>get the information needed and see if we might be able to suport each
So, if anybody else is from NH and could throw a bit of fact our way, it
seems that we could really use it.
Sonya. good luck with your move.

laurie c
Raymond, NH

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