Melissa Dietrick

I posted this a few days ago, but it seems to have been buried...I hope its okay to repost!

Thankyou Caren, for responding to my post...
you asked
> What is the testing situation there? Does it have to be given by
> someone else?

What I have been told by other homeschoolers is that testing is not
required by law unless returning into the public school
system...however if a principle decides to want testing annually, he
could make things difficult... though Ive no way of know if this
actually has happened., nor in what way.

Unfortunately here in italy it is a very unused schooling option, much
less unschooling! The only forum that deals with homeschooling is a
Christian (7th day adventists) one and their attitude is very much
like the one described int the Re:Testing in the schoolboard
thread...they want the government out of their lives as much as
possible so they do annual testing.

> Does it have to be given by someone else?

For returning into the school system it is given by the school of acceptance.
for the annual testing it seems to be also done by the school in the
area...tho as I say this is all rather fuzzy, law wise, it is NOt done
so they just ad lib, is my guess! So I am wondering how I could
approach this, in a knowlegeable non aggressive way...Id like to *not*
test if this is possible....and if dd must test, then Id like to do it
at home, at least.

Here, in NC, we are required to test. Not to pass the
> test, just to give it and have the results on file. I've always
> administered the test myself. And by administer, I mean I give the
> test by my rules, no one else's: I don't set a timer, I help, we do
> the questions together if they want. (shh. don't tell anybody that
> last one) There's no text anxiety, 'cause it's just a piece of paper
> to fill out.

Of course this would be ideal, if I had to test. However, italy does
not use standardized tests yet. If they did, she probably wouldnt be
so scared either, she likes workbookish type questions and
answers...mainly because she thinks they are funny (she wonders how
they think up such stupid questions)...

However it will most likely be the usual stuff a dictation, a
comprehension for reading, some math all with the teachers there (whom
she has a real fear of...)

Id like to manage this somehow to turn it into a non issue--of course
the best hope is dialogue with the principle...which I am due to do
this week---

<<And I ask you - when else is that the case? When is someone
> completely alone, with no resources except what they remember? Testing
> is bizarre. Well, sure - a surgeon, I wouldn't really want her in the
> operating room clicking on google - but that's at *such* a different
> level than most folks operate in, in their daily lives. (clever use of
> operate - didja catch that?)

lol, yes! and it is so true. especially absurd for a 7 or 8 year old.

> OK, sorry - back to the question. We are also not required to test
> until they're required to register as a homeschooler, at age 7.
So - my question - what are the legal requirements (not
> recommendations) where you live? Maybe we can see how to work within
> those parameters.

I hope ive been as clear as I can be, given the very unclear circumstances!
thank you and Im looking forward to your reply (ies)...
in italy
mamma di 7
lucia 20.5yr, lidia 17yr, matteo 14yr, raffaele 10yr, elena shanti
7.75yr, giacomo leo 4.75yr and gioele 2.25y

this i posted originally
\\\\Hi, I would be interested in knowing also how others have dealt with the issue
of testing.

I can understand totally not having anysort of investment in *how* my child
concern is rather connected to the fact that my dd5 will have to test period.
In Italy the
test will probably not be very schematic...they tend to do "interrogations" and
tho in the past 5 years they have moved more towards annual inclass "quiz"s that
the childs incoming and outgoing knowlege...
(I know about this as I have older children in school still)

my concern is for easing exam anxiety--

thankyou melissa in italy\\\\\\\