[email protected]

For those of you "dyslexic unschoolers"---those who don't quite get it
yet---would it help if I came over and DRILLED you to get it? If I
FORCED you to do what I say? Now??? For your own good??? Because *I*
know better???

*I* believe that you are here because you are ready to learn more about
unschooling. I figure you *want* to know more.

But I also know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you will *NOT*
understand it completely until you are ready! All the little blocks
HAVE to aligned "just so" before the light bulb will go off.

By being on this elist, you are surrounding yourself with an
"unschooling-rich world." You asked questions and examine the answers.
You attempt to put some strange words and actions together to make it
work in your family. You *play* with it and tweak it and even dismiss
some things as too difficult. You may come back to certain things that
were harder just a few months ago and toss those ideas around again.
Some things click. Some things don't---but they may soon!

But there is no way in bloody hell that you will start unschooling if I
make you. None. It has to be something you are 1) ready to do, and 2)
want to do.

Same with reading---and every-damn-thing else out there in the world.
Without internal motivation and a physical/mental readiness, it won't

Don't try to pass off here, on this list, that forcing a child to do
what he's obviously NOT ready to do is acceptable and respectable. It
is not.


Kelly Lovejoy
Conference Coordinator
Live and Learn Unschooling Conference
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