Nance Confer

unschoolingbasicsWhy the hell not! You are their with your daughter and your daughter is looking to you for protection in a confrontation with an aggressor. I'd have physically intervened -- taken the little "my Mom's not here, let's see what I can get away with" kid's hand and gently informed her that she had to stop taking other kids' candy.

And I would hope the message my daughter would take away is that it is not OK to let others walk all over you in the name of being nice and polite and quiet.

It's only candy to you and me but it's different if you are the 5-year-old having your candy stolen and not having your personal space respected.


While I'm talking to her, the
little girl makes a third attempt, at which time, in a knee-jerk
response, I looked at the little girl as I shook my head and told her to
stop, that what she was doing was wrong. The little girl's mom was not
there and I didn't feel it was my place to even say what I had said.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]