
I forgot to mention in my last post, that I am the author of The
Unprocessed Child: Living without School. Thanks to those of you who
let me know I should have said that before!

As most of you know, I asked unschooling parents to let me know if
they would enjoy writing a chapter about their unschooling lives for a
new book. I now have over forty people writing chapters, with room for
only a few more. I'm delighted and amazed at how quickly the list grew.

I have another request. I am looking for more writers, but this time I
want children who are being unschooled or young adults who were
unschooled, to each write a chapter for another book.

My daughter, Laurie, will be writing the introduction for this book.
Laurie now has a column in Connections!, so you can see her writing
style and sense of humor.

I'm looking for chapters from your children about being unschooled.
They can discuss their passion or passions, their love of being home,
how they like to spend their days, or anything else that they wish to
write about.

If your child is very young and/or has no interest in typing, but
wants to say something about unschooling, please type it for them. Let
their voices be heard. Even if they only have a single statement to
make, I'll put it in the book as a quote by them.

If they are dealing with negative issues about unschooling and they
wish to write about it, then I might decide to share their writing
with older unschoolers who would like to give them advice and/or
encouragement, or simply respond with how they handled the same issue.
The response would be printed with the original chapter.

The deadline for submissions is September 30th. Have your child write
to me at valfitz@... to let me know they want to be on the list
of chapter writers. If you have questions, feel free to send me email.

Authors of both books will receive a free copy of the book, with an
option to buy more copies at a 50% discount, if they're ordered and
paid for in advance. That way I can ship them all out at the same
time, on the day they arrive from the printer. There's something
magical about holding a book you've participated in creating, and I
want all of you to experience that as soon as possible.

Keep on writing!

Love, Valerie