Deb Lewis

***i'm also wanting to find a somewhat age-appropriate magazine for my son
(2). he loves my magazines and that's cool, but i'd like to get something
just for him that he can tear up all he likes. i'd like to get him
something pretty cool, maybe a little alternative, NOT like highlights (my
parents' suggestion). any suggestions?***

There was a sweet little magazine called All Round, but it's not being
published anymore. You can still get back issues here:

Dylan was older when we found this magazine but he really enjoyed it and
still feels strongly sentimental about it now.

When Dylan was little I would let him pick what he wanted off the magazine
stand. He'd pick all kinds of things, based on the picture on the cover,
mostly, and then he'd color or paint on the pages or paste stuff on them or
ignore it after a brief look. <g> We had a pretty weird collection of
stuff in those days. <g>

And he liked Zoobooks, but he's always loved and been interested in animals.
As he got older he drew a lot of pictures of animals and he referred to that
magazine a lot.

Maybe at two your little guy would like catalogs just as much. You could
get on the mailing list for a toy catalog (or twenty) for free! <g>

Deb Lewis