
Ok, so I'm not feeling well today - came home from work with bad sinus
infection. I'm resting on the couch just trying to ease the pain away.
DH took the older two to the movies and my 3yr old stayed with me. He
got his own snack of crackers and cheese and decided to pour all the
crackers into one tiny bag and asked me to close the bag. (you know
the party cracker packs with 4-5 varieties?) Not being in a very
positive mood, I grumbled something to the effect that he should have
left the others closed up (he opened all the packages, even the ones
he doesn't like). I told him to get one more bag and put some in the
new bag. 5 minutes later, he comes to me with 5 ziploz bags filled
with crackers, all separated by variety, telling me that he put the
circles in this bag, brown sqare ones in here, an so on... I just had
to laugh and hug him... left to his own, he came up wth his own
solution and did so with much more creativity than I would have
anticipated from him at that moment...

About 10 minutes later, the kids came home and he excitedly met them
at the door explaining what he did all by himself - mind you I didn't
talk to him about it at all.

just had to share.
