Ren Allen

I just loved this post from AU and wanted to share because it
highlights the whole rules issue so nicely:

cathyandgarth wrote:
> You know, I was at an antique show this weekend and they had the
> coolest old cast iron spitoon -- it looked like a turtle and when
> you stepped on the head the shell openned up and you spit in the
> tray there. In some of our subcultures and some foriegn cultures
> spitting is normal, expected, and accepted -- I mean look at
> baseball and the Chinese!

See, this right here encapsulates, for me, the sheer beauty and wonder
of RU parenting and how the learning emerges from the partnership
inherent in the parenting. This is exactly the problem with making
across the board rules--they're narrowing and limiting and downright
false in certain situations.

A mainstream parent would make a rule--no spitting--that looks the
same for every mainstream parent out there, and they'll all support
each other on it and pat each other on the back about such a common
sense and obvious rule. Quite the contrary, we could sample 10 RU
families and find 10 inspirational and different solutions to a
problem that involve really cool and amazing and interesting and
fascinating connections made along the way.

God, I love unschooling!

Thanks, Cathy!

Emily (8), Julia (7), Sam (5)