[email protected]

I own another list called GayHomeschoolers, for parents who are gay or
lesbian, people with gay kids, allies, etc. who are homeschooling or thinking
about it. One member recently posted this, which I thought was pretty funny
and interesting.

>>I think one of the issues I have is dealing with the polarities that
tend to exist in the homeschooling community at large. While the most
rabid of the religiously fundamentalist homeschoolers * (in any of
the religions) in our area tend to be isolationist, there are still
more than a few folks I've dealt with in more tolerant/welcoming
groups that need to be helped to understand that its okay to take a
different path.

*to be differentiated from the rabidly fundamentalist unschoolers I
know, who are gregarious to a fault and perhaps proselytize more than
the religious :)<<

Just thought I'd share ;)


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Sharon Rudd

Interesting umm hmmm.
But I guess I am dense....What was the funny part?

Sharon of the Swamp

> thought was pretty funny
> and interesting.

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