Nanci Kuykendall

>I think the whole unschooling thing comes from
>respecting the child as much as an adult would be
>respected. When folks say they 'unschool', but they
>don't grant that kid as much respect as they would
>their best friend, it irks me.

It's the general lack of respect that people have for
children, treating them like property, which irks me,
totally apart from education of any nature. I don't
like to see one type of human being treated as
mindless chattel to another type of human being; ie:
kids and adults.

>'s the blinders folks seem to have when it comes
>to respecting kids that bugs me the most.

Ditto Heidi. Kids and minors (because let's face it,
not all minors are kids, and I know some who are much
more mature than adults I know many times their age)
are the last massively abused minority.

Nanci K.