>Melinda - I am tongue tied. It's never affected my speech, except that I am
>unable to trill my r's. My daughter is tt too, and it's not causing her any
>problems either. Every doctor she's ever seen has mentioned that they could
>clip it if we'd like. WHY??? I'd say the only disadvantage is that my
>tongue gets sore when I eat an ice cream cone :0). ~Rue

My son Will was tongue-tied, too. He couldn't move his tongue beyond
his gums when he was born. I tend to blame that for part of our
difficulties nursing. We had his frenulum clipped (he didn't even
flinch) at 2 weeks, but by then I had given up nursing. There were a
whole host of other reasons, too, but I wonder if anybody knows if that
short frenulum can cause problems. I think surely it can, but I've
never seen it discussed.
