Tv movie series Game of trones
I want to mention in a addition to my message from yesterday that my kids are unschooled from 6 years and I didn't saw those movies. I also want to say about you Sandra and about many discussions from here, they gave me strength to continue in my decision to unschooled my children. And now, after all this time I saw in my children that the decision was good. They are very happy with their life and they know exactly how much they need right now. And in my opinion and experience living in a freedom life style is more adequate to happend being surrounded by nature. So thank you and to this members for good inspiration.
Jo Isaac
Has anyone saw the TV movie series Game of Thrones in family?
I have a 15 and 11 years old boy and girl and I don't know if it is right to watch with them those movies. My concerns are about sex scene. Can be to much for them?==
I have watched all of the Game of Thrones episodes, multiple times. I would say it depends on the kids, and are the kids asking to to watch in the first place.
My son is 12, and though he'd be interested in the history and battle scenes, he wouldn't watch because of the sex scenes, but that would be his choice. We've watched other things and he's chosen to leave for brief sex scenes (like Deadpool 1) and watch the rest, but I don't know that that would work in Game of Thrones - in some episodes you'd be leaving the room a whole lot!
There are multiple graphic and violent sex scenes, including rape. The books are, if anything, more graphic than the show.
The show is also incredible, including the storyline, costumes, special effects, sets and locations and acting, so lots to love also.
Personally, I'd be upfront with the kids about the content and see if they still wanted to watch it and go from there.
Bro& Bro
==Has anyone saw the TV movie series Game of Thrones in family?
I have a 15 and 11 years old boy and girl and I don't know if it is right to watch with them those movies. My concerns are about sex scene. Can be to much for them?==
I have watched all of the Game of Thrones episodes, multiple times. I would say it depends on the kids, and are the kids asking to to watch in the first place.
My son is 12, and though he'd be interested in the history and battle scenes, he wouldn't watch because of the sex scenes, but that would be his choice. We've watched other things and he's chosen to leave for brief sex scenes (like Deadpool 1) and watch the rest, but I don't know that that would work in Game of Thrones - in some episodes you'd be leaving the room a whole lot!
There are multiple graphic and violent sex scenes, including rape. The books are, if anything, more graphic than the show.
The show is also incredible, including the storyline, costumes, special effects, sets and locations and acting, so lots to love also.
Personally, I'd be upfront with the kids about the content and see if they still wanted to watch it and go from there.