Sandra Dodd

Niki Rose wrote elsehwere:

"It's not always easy balancing the needs of more than a couple of kids (& i think this could be a topic itself) but the upside of all your effort (aside from creating peace) is when you see something like a child singing for the baby, or your older child steps in with a fun toy when your 3 year old is throwing a tantrum. Little things like that help you to see the life learning that happens every day from a family of all ages being together.”

It’s not easy. it’s unlikely that everyone will be equally happy in any one moment, but with practice the parents get better at peace-keeping, and can get better at remembering that moments pass, and moods change, and that things that make things better are… better things. :-)

Choices that improve the general environment can become more habitual. There will be frustrations in parents and children, but it’s how we see those, and characterize/name them, and respond, that will help us provide soft landings.

If others want to contribute ideas and stories, please do—unschooling-experiences only though, please! There are some new people here, and some new to unschooling, so if your best ideas are mainstream, just read.
