Sandra Dodd

For several months there were no chats (text chats). Then Feedburner lost the subscription list somehow.
This is the announcement for this Thursday’s chat. If you’re interested in chats, please go to the announcements blog and subscribe; I won’t always announce them here, but would like to let people who used to be subscribed know that they might want to subscribe anew.


March 10 chat topic: Finding and Maintaining Joy

For those who want to warm up in advance, there's this short article on my site: Rejecting a Pre-Packaged Life, that's about finding enjoyment in everyday things.

In a podcast in which she interviewed me, Pam Laricchia said she named her website "Living Joyfully" because of that article. Here is that interview: Ten Questions with Sandra Dodd
and here's something Pam wrote about maintaining joy by choosing positive friends over negative, critical ones: Joy is a Beacon for Community and Growth

To subscribe or bookmark that blog:

Here’s some info to help you know whether you might enjoy a text chat like this or not:
Why chats are different for different people
