Engaging Respectfully
Sarah Thompson
This grew in my mind out of the post about returning with teens.
My kids are really into gaming youtubes, and some of the skit youtubes and related stuff. When my son wanted to make youtubes, we downloaded and learned a recording program, I made some videos, I helped him with his page. He seems sort of over it, although he still talks about it.
Often when I sit with them, they tell me to go away. They don't want to come do anything else with me, but they don't seem to want me in that world with them. I'm not sure how to engage with their interests. I feel a little unparent-y sometimes. Every opening I get to support and communicate and share, I use (if they ask me something, or tell me something, or need something), but I am having trouble finding ways to connect meaningfully.
I see other unschooling parents saying, "we're doing this and that together pursuing my child's interests," and I feel a little left out in the cold.

“The more honest and authentic we become, the harder it is for people to deal with.” Matt Kahn via Julianna Dean, fromThe True divine nature community, FB grp
I'm pretty comfortable with the virtual terrain, actually. I'm just having a hard time finding all the connecion points without forcing myself on them in an inauthentic way.
This is the real world. It is their world.
How can you connect with your kids if you won't enter their world and if you waiting for them to abandon it for yours?
it's like asking someone who does not like to read to join you reading....it will not work.
Megan Valnes
Sent from Gmail Mobile
Sarah Thompson
I want to add that I often hear a variation "it's okay, I'm not really into it either, we connect in other ways." The thing is, I *want* to be a part of my kids' worlds.
When I was a kid and wanted to lie on my bed and listen to pop music all day, some lf which was admittedly terrible and certainly all was repeated ad nauseum, my parents could have come in a sat and listened, could have taken me to concerts, could have tried to connect. They didn't. They tolerated it, until they thought I should do something else with my time, and then they nagged or were dismissive. They suggested alternatives, and if I did something *thy* liked, it was all good. They connected with me when *they* wanted to, in other words.
The relationship I had, and have, with my parents, is not the one I want with my children. I see that the onus is on me, as the parent, to find ways to shift myself to where my kids are. If that means learning to game, finding the joy in the youtubes, the shows, etc., then that's where I want to go. My purpose is posting here is to get advice and encouragement on moving *towards* them, not *around* their interests.
Alex Polikowsky
Sent from my iPhone
On Apr 22, 2015, at 6:05 AM, "Sarah Thompson thompsonisland@... [AlwaysLearning]" <[email protected]> wrote:
I want to add that I often hear a variation "it's okay, I'm not really into it either, we connect in other ways." The thing is, I *want* to be a part of my kids' worlds.
When I was a kid and wanted to lie on my bed and listen to pop music all day, some lf which was admittedly terrible and certainly all was repeated ad nauseum, my parents could have come in a sat and listened, could have taken me to concerts, could have tried to connect. They didn't. They tolerated it, until they thought I should do something else with my time, and then they nagged or were dismissive. They suggested alternatives, and if I did something *thy* liked, it was all good. They connected with me when *they* wanted to, in other words.
The relationship I had, and have, with my parents, is not the one I want with my children. I see that the onus is on me, as the parent, to find ways to shift myself to where my kids are. If that means learning to game, finding the joy in the youtubes, the shows, etc., then that's where I want to go. My purpose is posting here is to get advice and encouragement on moving *towards* them, not *around* their interests.
Sarah Thompson
My specific concern is that when they are watching youtubes, and they tell me to go away, it seems respectful to do so. But I want to make sure I don't abandon them. It seems like they need me to continue to check in regularly, and that the actual *time* spent will ebb and flow but as long as I am sincerely interested and supportive, I am engaging, even if we aren't actually playing together.
Sarah Thompson
I think what it is for me is that, before I really knew what unschooling was, I had an impression of unparenting. Now I know that unparenting is one way to fail at unschooling. I'm edgy sometimes to make sure I'm *not* unparenting, when it feels like the kids aren't needing a lot of interaction from me.
Sandra Dodd
You could deliver food and drinks. If they're sitting in uncomfortable chairs, consider cushions, or an office chair replacement, maybe.
-=-and they tell me to go away, it seems respectful to do so-=-
If they're SAYing "go away," is "respectful" the next consideration? Maybe the disrespect came before they needed to ask someone to "go away," and I hope they didn't word it that way. If the relationship is bad enough that they will say "go away" to an adult and then that adult thinks it's respectful to follow that order, the problems are different than described. So I hope it's not the case.
Sometimes when you're not at home, and it's just you and one kid, maybe these ideas would help:
Sarah Thompson
My 5yo will definitely say "go away!" He is intense and he needs to go process sometimes-if I'm in his space and he wants me out he isn't usually gentle. But I see that often he *does* want me near, doing something else but near, just because.
Ali Zeljo
On Apr 22, 2015, at 1:24 PM, "Sarah Thompson thompsonisland@... [AlwaysLearning]" <[email protected]> wrote:
My specific concern is that when they are watching youtubes, and they tell me to go away, it seems respectful to do so. But I want to make sure I don't abandon them. It seems like they need me to continue to check in regularly, and that the actual *time* spent will ebb and flow but as long as I am sincerely interested and supportive, I am engaging, even if we aren't actually playing together.
Sarah Thompson
"One of the best things I did for myself and my relationship with Ethan was to stop looking at what I didn't have as a child and young person, and make an effort to focus my attention on what I wanted as a mom... Your sons are different from who you were as a teen."
"some parents want constant confirmation from their kids that they are doing a good job... You need to know when your doing a good job. If you don't know, you need to pay closer attention to yourself and your children"
Sarah Thompson
I don't think that's it. He definitely gets mad at me, though. If he's frustrated with his brother or with anything else he pushes everyone away. Since I'm Mom I get a lot of that. I'll come to check on him when he's angry about something and he tells me to go away. So I do. I just want him to know I'm there.
Sandra Dodd
Where's the end of the Kelly quote?
I liked your whole post, Karen, and I might be able to find the quote myself, but because it's out in public, I wanted others to know, too, where Kelly's ended and your words started again.
<<Where's the end of the Kelly quote?>>
Sandra Dodd
It's from here, Sandra:
I didn't see the end of the quotes in your first-pass paragraph. They were there. The end of the paragraph was your words, not Kelly's, and my eyes are getting old. :-)
I wrote:
-=-Kelly Lovejoy said it well, I think..."Unschooling requires a “paradigm shift” to make it work. And it works best when you (the parent) are an active learner. And curious and thoughtful and enthusiastic and interested and interesting." Be all of those things and you will find you no longer question if you are doing enough. The evidence left by what you *are* doing will speak for itself.-=-
Where's the end of the Kelly quote?
Kelly's part:
Unschooling requires a “paradigm shift” to make it work. And it works best when you (the parent) are an active learner. And curious and thoughtful and enthusiastic and interested and interesting.
Karen's part:
Be all of those things and you will find you no longer question if you are doing enough. The evidence left by what you *are* doing will speak for itself.
All of it's very good. (Except my missing the end quotes before; sorry.)