Because I posted a link to my SCA pages, I went to clean them up, and
checking links, I came to a couple of cute bits I thought I'd share with some
bright people!

From Swami Beyondananda's monthly newsletter, which I just subscribed to this

<<Humorologists report a sharp
increase in jestive disorders, from mild irregularhilarity to full-
blown humorrhoids. Well, no need to worry about worry, or stress over
stress anymore! >>

This one was linked from a zen humor page, and although the sound is messed
up on it, after clicking that you want your computer to match by latitude and
longitude and global positioning correct time, blah blah, this comes on:

The Official Zen-Buddhist Nuclear Clock Calibrator and
Global Positioning System Synchronometer
Satellite uplink established.
Time confirmed
Location confirmed
Directing audio transmission to
default output channel.

And the audio, though messed up, said "The time is now. The place is here."