Sandra Dodd

Someone asked why the photo at the top, on the blog, said "Learning all the time" rather than Always Learning." The old site had both, and the longer one was a subtitle, description.

Yahoogroups was reorganized, awkwardly. I had hoped for some restoration of the way things were, but now I've given up. So if after a while that banner says "Always Learning" with a subtitle of "Always Learning," that will be why. :-)

A month or two ago, I fumbled a moderator setting and now the group is restricted, where it was not before. It can't be changed back. But "restricted" doesn't mean truly private, because people join every day.

To read more about the purpose and workings of the group:

Someone has been banned from the discussion following a warning (to me, that he was trouble elsewhere), and then side mail that bore the warning out. If you get unsolicited messages from someone using the name Elchanan, I'm sorry. He might be recruiting and wanting money for something called Vibrant Living Ministries, also called Path of Health. I really hope members of this group have not been spammed or contacted about it. Part of the information they're selling is about "schools and education," so he could have been fishing for ideas to sell there. Hard to tell when one must pay to read (and that's not legal for a yahoogroup).

If anyone is ever contacted directly in any inappropriate way and wishes to report, the moderators will consider banning the person from the list. I want to provide a space for unschoolers to discuss unschooling in peace.

