Sandra Dodd

In a facebook game I started, asking people to replace a word with "duck" (in a quote), after some clever and some lame plays, this came up:

• Miriam Berlow-Jackson

A joyful attitude is your best duck.

A different approach to life yields a very different set of ducks.

"We wanted our children to become thoughtful, intelligent, undamaged ducks."

about a minute ago via mobile · Like


Sandra Dodd OMD!!!
a few seconds ago · Like · 1


Those will be buried in a few hundred duck jokes, so I brought them here. :-)

And if anyone wants to play (who's on facebook and not doing something much better, as I should be now that my roofers have left) it's here:

It might not have been about unschooling, until the unschooling quotes came out. But as a stress reducer and good practice playing (in case you're one of those stodgy types) and perhaps for something to share with your kids (you can play it at home; it doesn't need to be on my facebook page), it's a good thing.
