Another study, for 18-25 year olds
Sandra Dodd
This would be helpful to an unschooling mom doing a study.
My name is Gina Riley. I am a doctoral student, academic, unschooling mom, and admirer of your work!
I am currently doing a study on young adult homeschoolers. The consent form and survey link is attached below. Please feel free to share the link with any possible participants that you know.
And if you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 845-300-5534 or email me at ginarileydaly@...
Thank you so very much.
The text below appears at the link below; some of you might want to look before considering whether to go there. Please pass it on to any young adult you know who might be willing to participate, whether homeschooled or traditionally schooled. Thanks.
You are invited to take part in a research study focusing on differences in competence, autonomy, and relatedness in homeschooled and traditionally educated young adults. The researcher is inviting young adults ages 18 � 25 who have been either traditionally schooled or homeschooled for at least 6 years to be in the study. This form is part of a process called �informed consent� to allow you to understand this study before deciding whether to take part.
This study is being conducted by a researcher named Gina Riley who is a doctoral student at Walden University
Background Information:
The purpose of this study is to assess levels of competence, autonomy, and relatedness in young adults who have been homeschooled and young adults who have been traditionally schooled.
If you agree to be in this study, you will be asked to fill out a survey that contains 21-scaled statements. The survey should take no longer than 25 minutes to complete.
Here are some sample questions:
1. I feel like I am free to decide for myself how to live my life. 2. I really like the people I interact with. 3. Often, I do not feel very competent.
Voluntary Nature of the Study:
This study is voluntary. Everyone will respect your decision of whether or not you choose to be in the study. No one at Walden University will treat you differently if you decide not to be in the study. If you decide to join the study now, you can still change your mind during the study. You may stop at any time.
Risks and Benefits of Being in the Study:
Being in this type of study involves some risk of the minor discomforts that can be encountered in daily life. Being in this study would not pose risk to your safety or wellbeing. The results of this study may enhance research within the realm of educational psychology.
Payment: No payment will be provided for participation in the study.
Any information you provide will be kept confidential. The researcher will not use your personal information for any purposes outside of this research project. Also, the researcher will not include your name or anything else that could identify you in the study reports. Data will be kept in a locked cabinet. Data will be kept for a period of at least 5 years, as required by the university.
Contacts and Questions:
You may ask any questions you have now. Or if you have questions later, you may contact the researcher via phone at 845-300-5534 or email at gina.riley@.... Walden University�s approval number for this study is 03-28-12-0088707 and it expires on March 27, 2013.
Please keep a copy of this consent form for your records. 1 of 2Statement of Consent:
I have read the above information and I feel I understand the study well enough to make a decision about my involvement. By clicking on the link below, I am indicating my consent to participate in the study.
Survey Monkey Link:
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
My name is Gina Riley. I am a doctoral student, academic, unschooling mom, and admirer of your work!
I am currently doing a study on young adult homeschoolers. The consent form and survey link is attached below. Please feel free to share the link with any possible participants that you know.
And if you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 845-300-5534 or email me at ginarileydaly@...
Thank you so very much.
The text below appears at the link below; some of you might want to look before considering whether to go there. Please pass it on to any young adult you know who might be willing to participate, whether homeschooled or traditionally schooled. Thanks.
You are invited to take part in a research study focusing on differences in competence, autonomy, and relatedness in homeschooled and traditionally educated young adults. The researcher is inviting young adults ages 18 � 25 who have been either traditionally schooled or homeschooled for at least 6 years to be in the study. This form is part of a process called �informed consent� to allow you to understand this study before deciding whether to take part.
This study is being conducted by a researcher named Gina Riley who is a doctoral student at Walden University
Background Information:
The purpose of this study is to assess levels of competence, autonomy, and relatedness in young adults who have been homeschooled and young adults who have been traditionally schooled.
If you agree to be in this study, you will be asked to fill out a survey that contains 21-scaled statements. The survey should take no longer than 25 minutes to complete.
Here are some sample questions:
1. I feel like I am free to decide for myself how to live my life. 2. I really like the people I interact with. 3. Often, I do not feel very competent.
Voluntary Nature of the Study:
This study is voluntary. Everyone will respect your decision of whether or not you choose to be in the study. No one at Walden University will treat you differently if you decide not to be in the study. If you decide to join the study now, you can still change your mind during the study. You may stop at any time.
Risks and Benefits of Being in the Study:
Being in this type of study involves some risk of the minor discomforts that can be encountered in daily life. Being in this study would not pose risk to your safety or wellbeing. The results of this study may enhance research within the realm of educational psychology.
Payment: No payment will be provided for participation in the study.
Any information you provide will be kept confidential. The researcher will not use your personal information for any purposes outside of this research project. Also, the researcher will not include your name or anything else that could identify you in the study reports. Data will be kept in a locked cabinet. Data will be kept for a period of at least 5 years, as required by the university.
Contacts and Questions:
You may ask any questions you have now. Or if you have questions later, you may contact the researcher via phone at 845-300-5534 or email at gina.riley@.... Walden University�s approval number for this study is 03-28-12-0088707 and it expires on March 27, 2013.
Please keep a copy of this consent form for your records. 1 of 2Statement of Consent:
I have read the above information and I feel I understand the study well enough to make a decision about my involvement. By clicking on the link below, I am indicating my consent to participate in the study.
Survey Monkey Link:
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]