[email protected]

In a message dated 4/30/2002 8:46:44 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
[email protected] writes:

> I
> have heard disparaging comments about my older ds friend and his
> hair, when people didn't know I was the mother of my 5yo.
> It's a stange thing how much of a lesson this has been for me.
> It has been a forced process of letting go of what others think, and
> realizing how much it really doesn't matter.

So - thank him, Joanna, he's really doing it for you <G>. (And, I'm serious
even though grinning -- I do think, sometimes, that my kids' entire purpose
on EARTH is to teach me stuff - mostly stuff that I've spent the last 50
years resisting learning.)


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Nancy Wooton

on 5/1/02 9:29 AM, PSoroosh@... at PSoroosh@... wrote:

> I've spent the last 50
> years resisting learning.)

You're 50? Learn sumthin' new every day...

;-) Nancy