changing subject lines, and making decisions
[email protected]
In a message dated 4/9/02 3:27:52 PM, Wilkinson6@... writes:
<< Anyway, I'm going to attempt a new conversation, cause that's always
the advice you get, when you complain about a current one. >>
But you called the topic "rat dreams!"
-=But this group does a big production every year. I'm
just starting to wonder how good of an experience it is. -=-
Did your daughter have a good experience? You had a bad experience in the
If a really moral person puts on really bad plays, and a questionable person
with a too-exciting life puts on really GOOD plays, which play would you
rather be in? Watch?
-=-I'm wondering how wary I should be now. I guess if I didn't notice
it, the kids could have been spared too.-=-
If it doesn't matter to the kids, then it doesn't matter.
If the group is a private theatre company and the director owns it, then if
there's profit to be made it's his. If it's a non-profit organization, they
should make a report available to their officers each year (depending on the
state that might be publicly available) but (depending on the state and the
amounts and the number of employees) there might be laws keeping amounts of
some or all of the salaries private. There would be one line item saying
"salaries" without breakdown.
Do you really care where the money goes?
If you scratch the surface of your children's other adult
organizers/teachers/coaches, you might find some things you don't like too.
<< Anyway, I'm going to attempt a new conversation, cause that's always
the advice you get, when you complain about a current one. >>
But you called the topic "rat dreams!"
-=But this group does a big production every year. I'm
just starting to wonder how good of an experience it is. -=-
Did your daughter have a good experience? You had a bad experience in the
If a really moral person puts on really bad plays, and a questionable person
with a too-exciting life puts on really GOOD plays, which play would you
rather be in? Watch?
-=-I'm wondering how wary I should be now. I guess if I didn't notice
it, the kids could have been spared too.-=-
If it doesn't matter to the kids, then it doesn't matter.
If the group is a private theatre company and the director owns it, then if
there's profit to be made it's his. If it's a non-profit organization, they
should make a report available to their officers each year (depending on the
state that might be publicly available) but (depending on the state and the
amounts and the number of employees) there might be laws keeping amounts of
some or all of the salaries private. There would be one line item saying
"salaries" without breakdown.
Do you really care where the money goes?
If you scratch the surface of your children's other adult
organizers/teachers/coaches, you might find some things you don't like too.
--- In AlwaysLearning@y..., SandraDodd@a... wrote:
They had to be there for over 5 hours and were stuffed in a back room
for most of it. They only did the munchkin scene, then came out for
curtain call. The show lasted over 2 1/2 hours.
They put in an extra show (2 in one day)the 2nd weekend because it
was doing so well, and they had to be there from 1:00pm to 11:pm that
day, mostly in the back room.
Though in the end, she was glad she had been a part of it.
My son too. They made some new friends and felt proud of the
were really a part of. Respected. A bad play, where she had a good
time. Way more than a good play/successful play, and not enjoy it so
much. She's done both.
adults. It might not matter enough for them not to want to be a
part, but it does matter. My experience with this show has been,
when you add the adults, it's not all about the children anymore.
The other shows were more about the kids.
the gossip.
I agree. But if I did find out "unsavory" things about people my
children were associating with, taking lessons from...I would put my
guard up. I guess that's what I'm doing now.
Thanks for the thoughts.
> In a message dated 4/9/02 3:27:52 PM, Wilkinson6@m... writes:
> << Anyway, I'm going to attempt a new conversation, cause that's
> the advice you get, when you complain about a current one. >>Ahhhh! I tried to do it right.....oh well.
> But you called the topic "rat dreams!"
>in the
> Did your daughter have a good experience? You had a bad experience
> park.Pretty good experience. Not great. Her least favorite of them all.
They had to be there for over 5 hours and were stuffed in a back room
for most of it. They only did the munchkin scene, then came out for
curtain call. The show lasted over 2 1/2 hours.
They put in an extra show (2 in one day)the 2nd weekend because it
was doing so well, and they had to be there from 1:00pm to 11:pm that
day, mostly in the back room.
Though in the end, she was glad she had been a part of it.
My son too. They made some new friends and felt proud of the
>questionable person
> If a really moral person puts on really bad plays, and a
> with a too-exciting life puts on really GOOD plays, which playwould you
> rather be in? Watch?>>I think I would rather my daughter be in a bad play that the kids
were really a part of. Respected. A bad play, where she had a good
time. Way more than a good play/successful play, and not enjoy it so
much. She's done both.
> -=-I'm wondering how wary I should be now. I guess if I didn't
> it, the kids could have been spared too.-=-I think it matters to kids to be around petty, moody, self centered
> If it doesn't matter to the kids, then it doesn't matter.
adults. It might not matter enough for them not to want to be a
part, but it does matter. My experience with this show has been,
when you add the adults, it's not all about the children anymore.
The other shows were more about the kids.
>then if
> If the group is a private theatre company and the director owns it,
> there's profit to be made it's his. If it's a non-profitorganization, they
> should make a report available to their officers each year(depending on the
> state that might be publicly available) but (depending on the stateand the
> amounts and the number of employees) there might be laws keepingamounts of
> some or all of the salaries private. There would be one line itemsaying
> "salaries" without breakdown.No I really don't care where the money goes. It was just part of all
> Do you really care where the money goes?
the gossip.
>like too.
> If you scratch the surface of your children's other adult
> organizers/teachers/coaches, you might find some things you don't
I agree. But if I did find out "unsavory" things about people my
children were associating with, taking lessons from...I would put my
guard up. I guess that's what I'm doing now.
Thanks for the thoughts.
> Sandra