D M Kelly

I just wanted to post a food idea.

Maybe this has been mentioned before, but if so, I haven't seen it.

I haven't offered my toddler pureed baby food for a good while, ever since
she's been eating more solid, big-people food, but she has recently gotten
fascinated with *dipping.*

It started with the regular stuff we think of dipping -- french fries or
chips into ranch dressing, sour cream, nacho cheese, etc.

But we also have a 6 month old, who is just starting into pureed foods. So,
now my toddler has renewed interest in the pureed baby food, watching her
little sister eat it -- and the other day, I put a jar of it on her tray for
her to play with and try. She started dipping all her other food in it.
She was dipping some kind of noodles in pureed bananas. She was loving it.

At this moment, she's eating mac and cheese with hot dog bites, and carrot
*dip* (pureed carrots).

Any age kids might find pureed baby foods fun to play with and dip other
foods into. It's fun to experiment with the different textures and taste
combos. And older kids might like to play with mixing different combos in a
food processor, making their own *baby* food.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Robin Bentley

Add that to a monkey platter!
> Any age kids might find pureed baby foods fun to play with and dip
> other
> foods into. It's fun to experiment with the different textures and
> taste
> combos. And older kids might like to play with mixing different
> combos in a
> food processor, making their own *baby* food.