[email protected]

Hi everyone,

I hope it's okay for me to post this here & I
apologize, Sandra, if it's not.

I've started a new group called eTribe. Here's the
intro & subscription link. (hope it highlights the link)

Are you an attachment-style parent or unschooler who
doesn�t want to be limited by those labels? Are you
doing your best & still falling short of your values?
Do you struggle with balancing your ideals with the
challenges of real life? We need to heal our own
unbondedness; we need role models; we need support; we
need our tribe! This list is for parents at any stage
of the game (including pregnancy.) If you�re
interested in any of the following as it applies to the
family please share your thoughts & experience with
us: Homeschooling, Unschooling, Breastfeeding,
Extended Breastfeeding, Baby-wearing, Co-sleeping,
Vegetarianism, Veganism, Raw-Foodism, Homebirth,
Unassisted Pregnancy & Childbirth, Non-violence,
Alternative/Natural Healthcare, Self-sufficiency...

To subscribe: [email protected]
