OT: Birth Certificates
I found our conversation yesterday about amended birth certificates for adopted children very thought-provoking; ended up doing some writing about it on my blog. If anyone's interested: http://tapeflags.blogspot.com/2010/07/surprisingly-vexed-issue-of-birth.html
--- In [email protected], "marie101365" <su@...> wrote:
>When my husband tried to get a passport a few years back they said he needed a birth certificate issued within a month of his birth. his was issued a year and a month from his birth, I am thinking when his adoption was finalized. Well all we had to do is pay a fee and voila, we had a birth certificate issued within a month of his birth. Looks just like the other one but with a false date of issue. I guess the State falsifies birth certicates like that all the time.
> I found our conversation yesterday about amended birth certificates for adopted children very thought-provoking; ended up doing some writing about it on my blog. If anyone's interested: http://tapeflags.blogspot.com/2010/07/surprisingly-vexed-issue-of-birth.html