[email protected]

Good Day!

Have just returned mentally from a trip that ended physically last Friday
evening. I took both girls to Tampa (12-hour drive) without dh. He's home
sick now, poor guy. I missed you all and it is sure nice to "hear your

I need to get started on the spring cleaning stuff, too. I have noticed that
kitchen items are migrating to other cabinets and I am wondering if this is
the result of mating season for appliances or just my imagination.

I took the girls to the local kids museum yesterday...lo, and behold, it was
packed with elemetary school kids as far as the eye could see. Mira (4.5,
who let me know on Sunday that "if you would just let me do everything I want
to do, Mommy, we would be fine") said, "I wouldn't want to go to school.
Those kids are loud and pushy." Hurray for us! I told her I would not be
sending her to school. She was so glad! She just hugged me for a long time.

Congratulations Sandra and Mary! You''ve re-entered the vortex. Maybe I
will get over there again now that the support is available. (Hugs to you)

Reenie, thanks for all the cool sites. I am going to be checking them out
for days!!

Thanks again, all. I feel like I am "home" when I read your messages.
