Julie Stauffer

<<to be pulled or amended>>

While I agree that AGORAPHOBIA could be a big problem, suggesting that kids
who are at home are severely limited could be seen as a road block to those
of us with a herd of temporarily small people.

Due to the ages and temperaments of my kids currently, it is difficult to go
many places. The 2 and 3 yo no longer want to be in the stroller and the
5yo has zero fear of any situation or stranger, having a tendency to
disappear from parental sight frequently. Even a trip to the zoo right now
is a nightmare. We would love to go out much more, right now we have to
wait until dh's days off. I figure another 2 years and life will be much
more freewheeling.

So we do stuff where we are. We use the internet, the library, the
television to bring the world to us for now.
