Bridget Cabibi-Wilkin

My kids have been watching some YouTube videos with lego characters
singing/dancing/fighting, what have you. I'm sure my oldest would like to
try his hand at making some of these himself, but this is where my age shows
as it is a "new" area of computing that I know nothing about. Does anyone
know how they do these things? Is there a program one buys where you upload
a photo & can then make characters move?
Feeling decidedly clueless & un-modern,

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There are several.
IF you have Windows look for Windows Movie MAker in your computer.
My two computers came with it.
You canot make characters move.
You take pictures and move a hand a little take another picture.
Its like frame by frame and upload the pictures. Choose the speed the pictures will play and that will make it look like the characters are moving.
YOu can add subtittles, music, voices and much much more. It is not difficult.
I bet if you research they have some fre software you can download.

Alex Polikowsky

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Lyla Wolfenstein

we use stop motion pro with a web cam, because that allows control of each pic from the computer keyboard. there is a trial version of stop motion pro downloadable for free and the web cam cost under $ can do it with modeling clay too - make your own claymation!

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Joyce Fetteroll

There's even a name for stop motion films made with Legos: Brickfilms.

There are several links there that should lead to some good information.
