
**I don't think of humanism as a group, but some people do and have managed
to make a minor counter-religion of it, just as some atheists have, with
meetings and literature and I guess they have picnics and social stuff.**


That's the webiste for the Ethical Humanist Society of Chicago, founded in
1882. It's a pretty happening place. :) They exist to perform the community
functions of churches in their members lives.

"The Ethical Humanist Society of Chicago is a democratic fellowship and
spiritual home for those who seek a rational, compassionate philosophy of life
without regard to belief or nonbelief in a supreme being. We value the importance
of living an ethical, responsible, and joyful life. We promote intellectual,
philosophical, and artistic freedom, avoiding dogma and rigid creed. We nurture
a sense of wonder about life, nature, and the universe, and are inspired by
models of human achievement. Shaped by the forces of humanism, democracy,
science, and religious reform, we cherish human diversity and focus on what we have
in common, not on what keeps us apart.

While respectful of the faiths and traditions we may have been born to, we
serve as a new religion or as an alternative to religion.

We care for and support each other, sharing our joys and sorrows. Like
traditional religious communities, we celebrate births, conduct wedding ceremonies,
host memorial services, and provide for the caring, ethical education of our

We believe in deed beyond creed and in working for a better world. We
recognize the worth and dignity of every person, and strive to act so as to bring out
the best in others and thereby in ourselves. "

And they allow homeschoolers use of their wonderful building space dirt che
ap. :)

Deborah, in IL

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Sandra Dodd

-=-We believe in deed beyond creed and in working for a better world.

That's a cool phrase, "Deed beyond creed."

-=-And they allow homeschoolers use of their wonderful building space
dirt cheap. :)-=-

God bless them!


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