Sandra Dodd

An interesting label I don't want to use much, but it might be useful
for people dealing with interviewers.

What often happens with interviews is that someone interviews
unschoolers at length, writes a sensible article, and then garnishes
it with two clueless comments from "experts" who know nothing about
unschooling except that it's not the school system on which their
mortgage and car payments depend.

They are unschooling analphabets.

noun: An illiterate; one who doesn't know the alphabet or the basics
of something.

From Greek analphabetos (not knowing the alphabet), from an- (not) +
alphabetos (alphabet), from alpha + beta.

"For an auto-analphabet like me, this was big news indeed. Armed with
these magical tires, I'd never have to lug around a spare."
Amy Gamerman; Tires -- No Pressure; The Wall Street Journal (New
York); May 29, 1998.
From A.Word.A.Day


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