Contests, concerning Learn Nothing Day
Sandra Dodd
Photo/Image contest with four categories:
Animal, Mineral, Vegetable or Video
Each image submitted should include the Learn Nothing Day logo/art.
If you buy a t-shirt or magnet or notebook or something, that could
be in the photo. Time is running out, so order soon to get things by
the 24th!)
Alternatively, the image in a variety of sizes may be lifted freely
for use:
Animal: The photo/image should have at least one animal of some
sort, and the logo.
Mineral: The mineral is... a mirror. Silicon as in glass. Or
silicon as represented by a computer. MIrror or computer (not
pottery or bricks or sand or rocks, though they can be there
secondarily, of course, in any of the photos). And the logo.
Vegetable: Plant(s) and the logo. The photo can also have people,
animals, whatever... but having a botanical element is the ticket.
Video: The logo in a video or animated gif or flash cartoon or
something. An image that moves, and that I can put on a webpage.
Images can be profound, or funny, or artsy, or might show people not
learning, or learning. Have fun with it.
There will be several-to-many judges, at least two of whom aren't
unschoolers and won't know anyone involved.
My relatives are ineligible.
Entry equals agreement to let me put the image on a webpage with
other Learn Nothing Day art and materials.
Entrants can be individuals or teams or families.
More than one category is fine.
More than one entry per category is fine.
Entries can be on blogs or other places first, during and after the
contest. No problem. Send me an image or a link to the image.
You'll still own it, but I want to be able to have them on display
all year until next Learn Nothing Day (or indefinitely, if this is
the last one ever).
Winners will receive a one-of-a-kind quite-personalized certificate,
and a copy of Moving a Puddle or a set of Thinking Sticks.
If the winner has all that stuff already, I'll send something else.
I don't know what. Depends who wins.
There will be at least four winning entries, and maybe more.
Entries will be accepted through July 26, with winners announced by
the end of July.
I thought about writing and poetry, but that disturbed me with school-
and-teacher feelings. Writing should be for fun and practicality.
And so I do apologize for those of you who have been art students and
might have school-and-teacher feelings wrapped up in imagery. Sorry
about that.
Here end the rules and the disclaimers. You might think of some
questions, and that could lead to more rules.
Y'know why it has rules? Because it's a game. Thanks for playing.
Animal, Mineral, Vegetable or Video
Each image submitted should include the Learn Nothing Day logo/art.
If you buy a t-shirt or magnet or notebook or something, that could
be in the photo. Time is running out, so order soon to get things by
the 24th!)
Alternatively, the image in a variety of sizes may be lifted freely
for use:
Animal: The photo/image should have at least one animal of some
sort, and the logo.
Mineral: The mineral is... a mirror. Silicon as in glass. Or
silicon as represented by a computer. MIrror or computer (not
pottery or bricks or sand or rocks, though they can be there
secondarily, of course, in any of the photos). And the logo.
Vegetable: Plant(s) and the logo. The photo can also have people,
animals, whatever... but having a botanical element is the ticket.
Video: The logo in a video or animated gif or flash cartoon or
something. An image that moves, and that I can put on a webpage.
Images can be profound, or funny, or artsy, or might show people not
learning, or learning. Have fun with it.
There will be several-to-many judges, at least two of whom aren't
unschoolers and won't know anyone involved.
My relatives are ineligible.
Entry equals agreement to let me put the image on a webpage with
other Learn Nothing Day art and materials.
Entrants can be individuals or teams or families.
More than one category is fine.
More than one entry per category is fine.
Entries can be on blogs or other places first, during and after the
contest. No problem. Send me an image or a link to the image.
You'll still own it, but I want to be able to have them on display
all year until next Learn Nothing Day (or indefinitely, if this is
the last one ever).
Winners will receive a one-of-a-kind quite-personalized certificate,
and a copy of Moving a Puddle or a set of Thinking Sticks.
If the winner has all that stuff already, I'll send something else.
I don't know what. Depends who wins.
There will be at least four winning entries, and maybe more.
Entries will be accepted through July 26, with winners announced by
the end of July.
I thought about writing and poetry, but that disturbed me with school-
and-teacher feelings. Writing should be for fun and practicality.
And so I do apologize for those of you who have been art students and
might have school-and-teacher feelings wrapped up in imagery. Sorry
about that.
Here end the rules and the disclaimers. You might think of some
questions, and that could lead to more rules.
Y'know why it has rules? Because it's a game. Thanks for playing.