
This is really corny but, I was sitting down looking out onto the deck
where I saw a half full glass of lemonade. I smiled. At one time I
would've looked out and saw that same image and thought someone left
that out there, it needs to be picked up... But, today I
thought-someone enjoyed lemonade (made by herself) out in the warm
sunshine. Change feels good.


Jenny C

At one time I
> would've looked out and saw that same image and thought someone left
> that out there, it needs to be picked up... But, today I
> thought-someone enjoyed lemonade (made by herself) out in the warm
> sunshine. Change feels good.

It's all about that mind shift isn't it? It applies to so much in how
unschooling works or doesn't work. If you can't see the learning and
the beauty, you will have a hard time unschooling. It seems to work
best in all those small ways that add up to the bigger picture.


--- In, "mary" <froggybanjo@...> wrote:
> This is really corny but, I was sitting down looking out onto the deck
> where I saw a half full glass of lemonade. I smiled. At one time I
> would've looked out and saw that same image and thought someone left
> that out there, it needs to be picked up... But, today I
> thought-someone enjoyed lemonade (made by herself) out in the warm
> sunshine. Change feels good.
> mary
I love these moments. The other night I was making dinner, and dd (5)
says "While you're up, could you get me my gummy worms?" The old me
probably would have barked something about how I was in the middle of
making dinner. But I said "Okay" in a pleasant way. She says "Mom,
what's right and what's left?" So I look around the corner at her and
say "You're left hand is holding the remote, you're right is holding
your head." ds: "Okay, they're on the left side of my cupboard."

It seems like such a little thing, but I was so happy that I had given
her the space to figure out something that she was interested in,
instead of shutting her down with my crankiness. Change does feel
good, and I love all these lovely, simple moments we have now. I love
that life is more fun now.



<<<It seems like such a little thing, but I was so happy that I had
her the space to figure out something that she was interested in,
instead of shutting her down with my crankiness.>>>

I had one of these moments with my ds 8. I was busy doing something and
he asked me "Mom shouldn't 30 be 20?" I stopped what I was doing
because in all my mommy years I've learned that in his thought process's
he's most likely correct [;;)] . I could have just said no 20 is 20 but
instead I looked at him and asked him in a completely curious way, "what
do you mean?" He said well 20 has 21 and so on and 30 has 31 and so on
but 10 doesn't. I thought about it for a few minutes, really trying to
figure out what he was meaning. And I said "do you mean like it should
be tenty one, tenty two and so on?" He looked at me with wide eyes and
said "YES!". I explained that I didn't know why they called it 11 and
12 and so on but that it meant the same thing! He seemed so pleased to
have clarity! And I was so pleased w/myself to have been able to take
the time to have understood him!! I felt privileged to have gotten to
be a part of one of those AH HA moments!!!

amy g

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In a message dated 4/22/2008 12:16:39 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
amylizkid1@... writes:

<<<"You're left hand is holding the remote, you're right is holding
your head." ds: "Okay, they're on the left side of my cupboard.">>>

Very cool-such a neat example of how kindness leads to more kindness... I
love it!


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