
I live in WA. state and just up the street from me is what is called
a Learning Center. They advertise in homeschool newsletters, in
childrens book stores, and just about anywhere else homeschoolers can
be found. They sound very appealing to new homeschooler. When I was
new they sounded very tempting. My daughter wanted to take a couple
of classes so we looked into it. The *principle* was very charming
and happy to show me around the grounds and to show me all the happy
children. Then he said I would need an intend to homeschool form
filled out and left with him, not the district but him. I would have
to volunter 10 hours a month, but that I would have imput on the
curriculum for my daughter, because they are so concerened for her
personally....When I asked would I still be considered a homeschooler
he was quick to assure me that *Oh yes you will still have your
homeschooling statues*....But if I want to take my daughter out for a
week because we have a trip planned that is ok....right?...*Well ummm
those things can be worked out in advance usually it is not a
problem*....So you are telling me I have to file a intend form with
you, I have to volunter, we can not come and go as we please, and my
daughter will be required to follow some curriculum that you an 300
other parents have decided on??....But I am still a
HOMESCHOOLER? ....What?...No thank you...

This is exactly what happened here, to me. And is still going on for
many. In fact there was, just this school year, a big flap because
somehow the school district got a hold of a Homeschool Assoc. mailing
list and sent pamphets to everyone on the list. It was assumed by
the Assoc. that someone from the district came in and paid dues and
got the list. I know it is different in other states. But for
Washington that is what AEP are about.

Here the AEP are programs by the district to entice new homeschooler
and suck them back into the system were they (the district) have the
control. And then to tell the bold face lie that you are still a
