Sandra Dodd

I have an e-mail to share with this group. Someone has started a
group for grandparents of unschoolers, and it looks good.

The author's photo was in the e-mail, but it's at the link below,
too. I know several of you have parents who are supportive and have
gone to conferences and such, and they might be interested in this.


Hi Sandra, I'm sending you the following in the event that you would
know of some grandparents who would like to join my group. I thought
that getting grandparents together would be a good way to support our
children and grandchildren as they UNschool, stepping away from
systems and methods and fostering natural and independent learning.
I enjoy reading your site! Thanks! Collette

My name is Collette Deneault and I am a retired teacher of 30+ years,
grades 2 to 8. I have three daughters and 5 grandchildren ages
6,5,3,2,1. I was re-introduced to Unschooling through my daughters
who are Unschooling their children. I first ran into the term in the
60's while in college. I embraced the philosophy way back then but at
the time I was young and was sure that I could "save the world". I
enjoyed my years in the classroom but after living the reprecussions
of teaching to the test, testing, collecting data, making graphs and
oh yes, teaching, I am thrilled to know that my grandchildren will
not be part of the cloning that goes on in the schools. My last four
years in education were spent trying to beat the system. It appears
that schools just don't know what they don't know. Fortunately for
me, three of my grandkids live next door so I am able to be part of
their life each and every day. I enjoy seeing them freely going
about their day learning. It's exciting to know that while kids at
school are learning to count by 5's etc., my grandkids are following
their passions. I'm hoping that this Grandma Group will be a way for
all of us to support each other, our children and our grandchildren
as we live and learn together.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]