
" The person of conscience, deeply committed to a radical change in
human civilization—from a dangerous, unsustainable social order to a
veritable garden for our children and grandchildren—must be willing
to risk being considered a whiner by polite society. The nonviolent
revolutionary has a responsibility to be a thorn in the side of a
complacent status quo. The person of conscience holds up a mirror to
the world, which must include him or herself. The lover of humanity
is an agent of awakening, in a world where there is a collective urge
to sleep. "

--Marianne Williamson

Anne O. posted this at today for Sandra. I thought it
was SO great, I wanted to share it with you all!!!
Next time anyone's feathers get ruffled by one of your posts Sandra,
just lay that one on them...hehe.

[email protected]

To Ren, and Anne--thanks for seeing me in that passage.

A friend of mine I hadn't talked to for a while asked me the other day what I
had been up to. I said something like, "Oh, changing people's lives." He's
a priest, and has known me for 24 years or so, so he was neither unaccepting
nor skeptical of the report, and he just nodded and smiled.
