
"The Mowery Family" <jkkddmowery@m...> wrote>>>

>>>>I found a lump in my breast the end of november,.....

I had a very similar situation happen two summers ago...At the time I
was caring for my dear friend's children, while she went to chemo...I
watched her s for 3years....

So Kim was the first person I went to..She said find out everything
that you can, then it might not seem so scary..That helped, knowing
the odds and all..and talking to women that had a similar
experience. It is the hardest waiting, and thinking. I remember
laying in my backyard thinking OMG life might change tomorrow or the
next day. I knew I would make myself crazy with the wild
imaginations so I got busy..I wrote cards to people that I knew
needed encouragement, baked casseroles for families that needed help,
went to the libary, Science Center, worked(hard)in the
garden....anything not to think about all the possibilities. And I
took Valerian (it is a herb) to help me sleep. Deep breathing helps
the stress too. Mine turned out ok, I do have some abnormal cells
that need to be monitored, but so far everthing is ok. I hope that
all will be well for you and your family....And please do not feel
guilty for the way you are feeling toward MIL, feelings are just that
feelings, no sense adding in a heap of guilt...

Prayers and hugs