Lesa McMahon-Lowe

My total hatred of High School and all of the restrictions trying to be
placed on who I was... has now come full circle and has totally helped me to
deschool at an alarming rate. I also take everything to heart (I don't take
it personally... though I was just a bit defensive at first... I DO listen
and internalize and think and rationalize) everything that Sandra, Ren,
Susan McGlohn, Joyce F, Kelly Lovejoy, and others who have

We're coming up on our first anniversary of homeschooling and very shortly
there after unschooling (I think I had thrown all of the curriculum out the
window by December)... and I have learned so much and changed so much and
let go of so much.

I guess my point on all of this is... for those who are still struggling, to
just let it go and TRUST! Life will NOT stop and come crashing down around
you. Let go of what's holding you back from LIVING life to the fullest. We
CHOOSE our life course... we really do.

*No longer a rebel (filled with angst and anger), now RADICAL (filled with passion and joy and purpose!)*

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Sandra Dodd

-=-I guess my point on all of this is... for those who are still
struggling, to
just let it go and TRUST!-=-

Yeah, but don't trust US. Trust your children's inate desire and
ability to learn and be good and become a whole adult. Trust
yourself to figure it out (and then try to figure it out).

I never just say "trust me" to anyone. I try to give them logical
reasons, and try to explain why I think what I think. In the case of
unschooling, people trust it because they see it work with kids--
maybe their own kids or maybe they get lucky and get a speed boost
early on by seeing unschooled kids. I did!

When Kirby was three or four we joined a babysitting co-op. Most
of the members were La Leche League leaders. Four families
homeschooled. Two used structure. Two were unschooling families.

Cool for us, huh?

We weren't considering homeschooling yet at the time we met them all,
and by the time we were, I knew that the unschooling families got
along better and the kids were nicer and not sneaky or destructive.


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Lesa McMahon-Lowe

~~Yeah, but don't trust US. Trust your children's inate desire and
ability to learn and be good and become a whole adult. Trust
yourself to figure it out (and then try to figure it out).

I never just say "trust me" to anyone. I try to give them logical
reasons, and try to explain why I think what I think. In the case of
unschooling, people trust it because they see it work with kids--
maybe their own kids or maybe they get lucky and get a speed boost
early on by seeing unschooled kids. I did!~~

Of course I don't trust you! LOL... no seriously, I trust your truth for
you and that is a catalyst for me to find my own truth. What I meant by
trust is to trust yourself and your kids... like this quote that Ren said a
few months back that I instantly put on my blog and it's now the background
on my desktop on the computer.

"Unschooling is all about relationships and trust. You can't get trust by
hurting someone on purpose to teach them some lesson. You aren't going to
get to unschooling until you take the leap and choose to trust."
-Ren Allen


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