Ren Allen

"And is it not ironic that the interview itself was on TV, and so the
website architect who heard that and chose it and put it on a webpage
to discourage TV use would never have heard that quote had it not
been for TV?"

Isn't it ironic that he reached millions of people through his ad
campaign via television? Just how does he think political candidates
reach most people? Let's see, State of the Union, political campaigns,
press conferences etc...all depend heavily on television distribution.


Sandra Dodd


Dubba' Duh.

Well, I'm having fun looking through very crazy websites. Some
people probably think my unschooling page is a very crazy website.
Probably think Satan sent me, and that I'm advocating the downfall of
pharmaceutical companies who supply Ritalin.

Just yesterday I was talking to a friend of mine, former best friend,
now gradually distanced for various reasons. I mention kids behind
us are (or one of them is) dealing drugs over the back fence into the
alley; people park near our back gate, and an exchange is made over
the wall. Must involve cell phones. Keith and I discussed whether
to report, decided no... conversational details flowed both ways. I
said it's probably the best thing in that kid's life, maybe the first
time he's been successful and not being berated by his dad. She
said "if it's just pot, it's not so bad." I said maybe, but looked
to be very small packets, so probably cocaine or speed. Friend said
that was worse, and that maybe it was okay for us not to report
them, as long as they weren't selling ritalin to kids or anything.
Honestly, at that point her phone was not so clear for some reason,
and I missed a few words, but I laughed and said "Kids have NO
problem getting Ritalin; it's the moms who seem to want it." My
friend obviously didn't think it was funny, and we had to go anyway,
but I thought it was nigh on hilarious that if it was pot, okay, but
if a kid might get Ritalin, it was becoming my duty to call the cops.

I was disappointed this wasn't about TV, but it's about Ritalin. Old
guy in Canada says it's a shame they're drugging kids instead of
spanking them.
ARTICLE_ID=51284 I thought only Americans were that way.

I am THRILLED, giddy, that my kids have never been near someone who
wanted to drug them dumber. I'm overjoyed that they can watch TV if
they want to. I'm relieved that they're not friends with the kids
behind us. They might've been, years ago, but those kids who are
yelled at and hit were mean to them, and especially mean to Holly, so
my kids just started ignoring and avoiding them.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]