Danielle Conger


As the editor of the new online magazine, *Connections: ezine of
unschooling and mindful parenting* I'd like to invite and encourage
unschoolers to submit articles, photos, questions, reviews and inspiring
emails. Although it's summer and we're all out living interesting and
busy lives, *Connections* is gearing up now for Issue 1 in October, and
we need to hear from you.

My goal as editor of *Connections* is to offer an Unschooling forum that
showcases *real* unschoolers living *real* unschooling lives, which
means we need your submissions! We need your photos, your tips for
resources and reviews and your inspirational stories. *Connections*
wants to deliver the best unschooling posts from a broad range of
unschooling elists in our "Hot Topics" section, helping readers who
don't have the time to keep up with all the email lists stay connected
to inspiring ideas and people, and I'd like to invite listowners and
list members to forward your favorite emails each month for publication
in *Connections*.

There's also a page dedicated solely to unschooling kids and their
amazing interests and talents, titled "Mouth Off"--if you have
unschoolers of any age interested in sharing their thoughts, reviews,
drawings, photography, whatever, please encourage them to submit! And
we're very excited to be offering a debut department for Unschooling
Dads in our October issue, so dads, we need to hear from you, too! What
topics would you like to see discussed? What challenges do you face as
primary caregivers and breadwinners?

Folks are welcome to check out *Connections* for themselves at
http://connections.organiclearning.org Our premier issue 0 is available
free online, and Issue 1 will be released in October.

I look forward to hearing from folks! Submission guidelines can be found
here: http://connections.organiclearning.org/submissions.html

Thanks so much for your consideration, and I hope to hear from you soon!

Emily (8), Julia (7), Sam (6)


Connections: ezine of unschooling and mindful parenting