Julia Swancy

>>>I said, "This is what a super-energetic kid looks
> like when he isn't told
> for years and years that he's *bad*. Just like I
> didn't allow you guys to call
> him *bad* back then, I haven't allowed anyone to
> call him that for his whole
> life. And now he's got all this energy and power
> that he's been learning about
> and growing into control of."<<<
> That is music to my ears <BG> Good for you and good
> for your son.
> Nancy

mine too! thank you for sharing this, as I can see
myself needing to use your words in my son's future!

Julia, mom to very energetic 3 y.o. Galen, who just
doesn't "behave" like he's "supposed to" according to
society :P

Julia Swancy

> -=-
> Could someone give me some advice on where to
> start with the
> unschooling approach. Or is it too late because of
> the ages of my
> two older kids and the damage that has been done?-=-

I would encourage you not to think of it as "damage."
we are hard enough on ourselves as mothers without the
extra baggage created by feelings of hopelessness,
making it even more difficult to manifest change.
think of it as experience which will allow your kids
to understand what many of their peers have been
subjected to (which is exactly what it is). getting to
taste both worlds will inform their lives from here
forward, influencing their thinking and their own

deschooling, like any psychological or behavioral
change, is a process. love yourself and your family as
you move through this exciting and freeing change!
undoing conditioned behavior takes time. being gentle
with yourself and allowing yourself and your family to
change slowly will create the space needed for the
changes to settle on you and become permanent.

you will find your way! enjoy the journey!
Julia, finding her own way right along with you :)