Grame Family

Sandra great links!
I think it's quite humorous in my twisted way that now that we aren't
trying to cram down phonics, which I never understood, she is
starting to read simply words on her own, and through her own means.
It's just that little, YEAH!

The other day she wrote the word Dad on a piece of paper, came up and
said, it says dad. Yup so cool. And that came just from her love of
handwriting and drawing. I figured that since my oldest son taught
himself to read at 2 1/2 that she would have to be taught. Now I
know though and every kid learns when left in freedom in their own
time and own pace. What a joy to see happen.


> I joined because I am unschooling
> my kids again after a brief lapse of my common sense thinking they
> needed a set curriculum to learn. Actually it was my fear of having
> to teach my kindergartener how to read. I know now what I have
> always known, she will learn when she is ready and not a moment
> before and she will teach herself.

On Mar 14, 2006, at 8:47 PM, [email protected] wrote:

> Raven, you're already calm, but for the benefit of anyone who read
> that paragraph and felt a knot in the stomach, I wanted to use it as
> a jumping off place to throw this link out:
> And here's one just as a reminder that learning doesn't need reading:
> Sandra

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