Pam Hartley

From the time my daughters were born, I've tried to keep two thoughts in my
mind: treat them with kindness, and treat them with respect.

I don't think it will come as a shock to most people on this list that the
result of keeping those two prime directives in my head is: my daughters
treat me with kindness and respect.

I don't worry about being on the street myself in my old age. Not that
financial planning is a bad idea, but I have no fears I won't have two
daughters, treating me with kindness and respect, until I die.


> If I had more money, would I give them more as they are older
> - you betcha'! I hope I get to that point. But they understand now that
> I'm trying to establish a life where I won't be on the street myself in
> my
> "old" age.

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